Basic Requirements


Basic requirements for societal improvements

The companies of Tisenhult-gruppen are operated based on three basic requirements for growth, profitability and development. Alongside our corporate philosophy of simplicity, responsibility and freedom the basic requirements form the foundation of our business.

Working towards, and fulfilling, our basic requirements creates the economic base that is needed for expansion and quality development and also contributes to our ambition to improve society as a whole.


The growth target of Tisenhult-gruppen is to, over the course of a business cycle, generate an annual profit growth of at least 15 percent. This equals to doubling the profit every five years.


The profitability target of Tisenhult-gruppen is to have a sustainable profitability where the operating profit is at least 45 percent of the working capital.


To reach our targets for growth and profitability, we need a continual focus on development. We constantly evaluate what we are doing, ensuring that we focus on doing the right things to better ourselves and evolve.